
Daily IELTS Topics

Practicing speaking for the IELTS exam to improve your speaking skills and increase your confidence on the day of the test.
Chris Dolinski
2 min

3 Reasons Why You Should Practice Speaking For IELTS

Communicate Effectively

The speaking portion of the IELTS exam is designed to test your ability to communicate effectively in English, so practicing can help you improve your speaking skills and feel more confident on the day of the exam.

Familiar with Test Topics

Practicing can help you become more familiar with the types of questions and topics that may be covered on the speaking exam, which can help you feel more prepared and reduce test anxiety.

Identify your Weaknesses

Practicing can help you identify and address any weaknesses in your speaking skills, so you can improve and perform to the best of your ability on the exam. Overall, practicing speaking for the IELTS exam can benefit you in a number of ways and is an important part of preparing for the test.

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3 Daily Topics to Practice (Added Daily)

Jan 24 (Idioms!)
- a piece of cake
- a blessing in disguise
- chip on their shoulder
- jumping the gun
- over the moon

Jan 23 (Relationships)
1. What is the importance of effective communication in maintaining strong relationships?
2. What are the benefits of regular conversations in fostering intimacy and trust in relationships?
3. What is the role of active listening and empathy in resolving conflicts and improving relationships?

Jan 22 (Self improvement)

  • Discuss the importance of setting goals for self improvement.
  • Describe a specific self-improvement plan you have and how you have implemented it.
  • Talk about the role of self-discipline in achieving personal growth and development.
December 3rd
  • Describe a place you have visited that made a strong impression on you.
  • Talk about a recent event or news story that you found interesting.
  • Discuss a hobby or interest that you have and why you enjoy it.

Get me started! 7 Starter Topics
  • Describe a person who has had a significant influence on your life.
  • Talk about a memorable experience that you have had.
  • Discuss a book, film, or piece of art that you enjoyed and why.
  • Describe a typical day in your life.
  • Talk about an important decision you have made and why you made it.
  • Discuss a challenge you have faced and how you overcame it.
  • Describe a goal you have set for yourself and how you plan to achieve it.

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